What Are The Best Research Tools For New Crypto Investors

Aaron Cole
4 min readMay 1, 2021

Being a beginner in cryptocurrency can be very intimidating, let’s be real it’s a rabbit hole. However, with the right tools you can navigate through this space so that you can make a safe landing on the moon!

The purpose of this article is to help you the beginner get a better understanding of the market and how to find useful tools and tips before you invest in cryptocurrency.


Crypto Quant is one of the most simple and very effective tool to use when trying to gather information to predict market corrections or pumps.

This is because of the sole reason that it is a direct correlation of a money flow of money transferred to and from exchange wallets to evaluate investors’ behavior.

For example on Crypto Quant you can monitor things such as exchange reserves of BTC, stable coin supply ratio, leverage ratio, A money flow of BTC transferred to and from affiliated miners’ wallets to evaluate supply circumstances.

Crypto Twitter

Twitter reveals the best and worst of the cryptocurrency market. From BTC maxis, to Poocoin trolls to actual helpful traders, influencers and community members.

Many of the most influential players in the crypto space have a presence on Twitter. You can find expert researchers, traders, and reputable investors.

If you take the time to discover the right people and follow key individuals, you can quickly gather the knowledge you need to make important decisions.

Always do your own research at the end of the day, but these people often provide so many gems, literally for free that you can use to your advantage.

But one thing to keep in mind like many social media platforms the abundance of information can be a double-edged sword.

There can be a lot of trolls and bears who constantly flood negativity into projects without good reason, pay attention to people who blindly bash projects versus people who provide evidence to support their concerns.

Also, there are also thousands of scammers, bots, and shills who have no remorse when it comes to sharing misinformation.

Without carefully filtering your timeline and thinking critically about the messages you are reading, it’s easy to fall into mental traps that aren’t beneficial in the long-run.

While Twitter is an incredible resource for crypto investors, it should be used alongside other resources to verify the information and validate opinions.

Don’t trust, VERIFY!

Telegram/Discord Groups

Many expert researchers, traders, and reputable investors create communities to educate their audience, and provide additional insight and support for the people looking to get the help they need.

Some may be free, some may be paid, each offer their own set of value but this is very important to utilize.

Also cryptocurrency businesses typically have telegram groups to help provide updates for their communities. Within these group they drop information to their most dedicated community members first so that they get all the hot juicy information first, which can then be used to make you a lot of money.


As you become more advanced in your crypto trading experience you’ll begin to need more high-level stats that are not provided by services like CoinMarketCap or CoinGecko

It’s not their fault they give a great general overview but when you want in depth details you’ll need to take a deeper dive into services like Messari

Messari provides a deeper look into the market through an aggressive focus on data. Messari focuses on deep data analysis. It ranks assets by market cap, but also provides a long list of other filters and options for data.

Many advanced investors will find this customizable data access to be a dream come true. Messari offers both free and paid services depending on what you need so make sure to check their services.


CoinmarketCal is a cryptocurrency that is evidence and community based in its approach. Their goal is to provide accurate information on cryptocurrency that investors can take to make high level decisions for their investments

This service is very straightforward to use, as you can search based on the coin, the exchange it is listed on and other methods that are listed below.

CoinMarketCap & CoinGecko

CoinMarketCap & CoinGecko are ground zero for crypto investors, these two platforms are the go to sources for finding out about investigating new assets and gathering information about the market.

The features of CoinMarketCap & CoinGecko include the asset ranking by market cap, historical price graphs, asset supply metrics, trading volume across different exchanges for each trading pair, and the listed market pairs for each exchange.

Both are very reliable, but I would recommend using both especially if you’re looking to verify information

These tools are essential for your research so make sure to check them out, they can save you a lifetime of hassle when doing your research.

Make sure to ask me any questions you like you can find me on social media



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Aaron Cole

I am a serial Entrepreneur & Crypto Investor! I’m excited to help inspire you to think differently than the majority to create passive income online!